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People who once failed in Eng will fear no more

發表於 6-11-2006 20:52:45 | 只看該作者
原帖由 呀怒 於 2006-11-6 20:23 發表
Failure is the mother of success= =

foreign people see this,i think they don't understand this
they will say(what is this?where is the men called Success
and failure?
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發表於 6-11-2006 20:23:46 | 只看該作者
I think there are a lot of information,but almost 90% i don't know.
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發表於 6-11-2006 20:23:42 | 只看該作者
Failure is the mother of success= =
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發表於 6-11-2006 20:22:08 | 只看該作者
原帖由 小求 於 2006-11-6 20:19 發表
Ok,I try to make it.
I want to improve my English.
What should I do?

Look at page 1 #1 and you will get some information of how to improve your English
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發表於 6-11-2006 20:19:44 | 只看該作者
Ok,I try to make it.
I want to improve my English.
What should I do?
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發表於 6-11-2006 20:18:24 | 只看該作者
原帖由 小求 於 2006-11-6 20:16 發表
All people in here should say English with no grammer mistakes?

I don't think it is really a compulsion to say English with no grammatical mistakes,but try our best to so.
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發表於 6-11-2006 20:16:12 | 只看該作者
All people in here should say English with no grammer mistakes?
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發表於 6-11-2006 20:08:30 | 只看該作者
原帖由 傻仔馬騮 於 2006-11-6 19:13 發表

your english level .....not like 16 years old- -    i am 15

Oh,you are 15 years old?Same as me,my birthday is on October and I've had my birthday not a long time ago
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發表於 6-11-2006 19:50:12 | 只看該作者
原帖由 terry00019 於 2006-11-6 19:23 發表

My savvy is too bad-.-.
What are the projects about..?
From your sentences, I consider this bastard is really a bastard. :lol

However, I'm studying in Tin Shui Wai a inferior school  ...

Fast Rail Project which cost 4.5 billion but get up to 160km/h only.It spent 2500% than the budget.
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 樓主| 發表於 6-11-2006 19:23:36 | 只看該作者
原帖由 hixyz111 於 2006-11-6 11:12 發表

He ruined the public transport system in Melbourne .Train always delay more than 10 mins at weekend.Some projects is spending more that budget(much).

My savvy is too bad-.-.
What are the projects about..?
From your sentences, I consider this bastard is really a bastard. :lol

原帖由 傻仔馬騮 於 2006-11-6 11:13 發表

your english level .....not like 16 years old- -    i am 15

However, I'm studying in Tin Shui Wai a inferior school to every school outside-.-
I always get a poor result in writing like 15/30-.-
I do hope my English will have a big improvement here.
Anyway, thank you for your implicit praise =.=

[ 本帖最後由 terry00019 於 2006-11-6 11:28 編輯 ]
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